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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

summer 2011's farewell in dusk drizzle. stronger will to reunite with my girls.


dreamed battled with a witch all the dawn, after a drizzled dusk.^dreamed hunted by a woman mage. I tried to hit the raged woman with fire ball but frequently unable to detonate it on time. the morning is touchingly bright, after last dusk's drizzle. in last sunset holy message shows me on a bleeding tree that my girls' being one with me, their praying for me, for my presence after gothered and reinforced will power to join me. that's my way to reunite with my best beloved Queens in my Empire reset for 1109 years ahead. the drizzle started after I just settled on a bench in the dorms' garden. the drizzle shallowly baptized me in its prelude, with bliss from my deepest lover, Asoh Yukiko from Japan, the renewing land.


benzrad comment in cyberspace on the day.

dog trail among northern Chinese.^riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):in north, esp northeastern China, dogs rampant. they r the main source of mafia among current society and dog system in nowadays PRC government, an covert black market trading anything including human lives and all demons and sick appetite. in southern China, people cooperate for common benefits for circumstance. in northern China, scarcity chases beasts on the land constantly barking to protect their individual food chain, or reversely, barking dogs scattered on the highland let anything insufficient upon insatiable storage competition.
北风 (@wenyunchao): RT @poorstone: 同样是沿海城市,面对PX时大连和厦门的表现截然不同。原文


dreamed of closely watched G.Bush.^dreamed in dawn living closely with G.Bush, the former American President and father of another American President. he just published his autobiography and trying finding new way to enjoy life. his wife Babara, even stronger in mind now, grows vegetable and sold to me. I told her I needn't a full bunch of scallion, but she actively persuaded more sales to me in her house when I visiting. they demonstrates the loyalty merits of American people.


dreamed of movie.^visit baby son in dusk yesterday. prepared him new games on his legacy desktop. when I arrived, his mom likely intimately contacting son, for they both felt interrupted by my visit. returned to QRRS dorm, after busy with sorting my os, possible sins in baby's mom's education over baby son let me awake quite some time. this dawn dreamed of watching a movie including 2 female actors, Miriam Yeung 杨千烨,舒琪 and a man I closely watching. superficially its a movie of love, but in fact, its about fake love, be exactly, about gay, lesbian. I saw the genic glory God puts in man, while the merit of female in supportive, hospitality. I also see the inherited subtle difference and different achievements among Hongkong, Taiwan, and mainland of China.
yesterday It mainly bright. but when I left baby's mom house near 8pm, it drizzled. now Its a promising sunny morning. God, bring me my new family with my girls that praying for our living together. bring my son a dell game desktop u promised.

benzrad comment in cyberspace on the day.

famine in Africa needs world more helping hands.^riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):apple and Jobs doomed to fall, sink in no name in quite short timespan. its just too evil and dirty in mind control in the shits heap.
月光博客互联网:同样是销售游戏,任天堂的Wii的销售策略就远不如苹果iOS,Wii不在中国发行,没有中文界面,也没有一款简体中文游戏,正版游戏价格超高,光盘发行,而苹果iOS有中国商店,有中文休闲游戏,网络发行,平均价格才1美元,还有很多免费游戏。这也注定是苹果而不是任天堂会在中国游戏界成功。 原文


a drizzling afternoon.^baby son spent a night with pc games in my QRRS dorm. breakfast in KFC on way. returning to his mom's house. lots of bliss in air in the Saturday, when it soothed our longings with clouds and drizzles. work load just completed, so fine!


dreamed of my passed dad, God in Heaven.^in the dream I first tried to negotiate to buy failing and losing state-owned property, then join a celebrating dancing team and passing my hometown village, Zhudajiu, where my beaming dad just discussing important issues with his patriots, other villagers. he glad to see me growing in social relation. he is so vivid in the dream, that I had to blog the dream after got up. I also find sexuality in the dancing girl, likely of minor tribe Mongolian, ahead me.


dreamed of baby son, and my passed dad's enemies in his hometown.^yesterday another thunderstorm brought lots of rainfall in the sultry summer, just among my busy progress to update my google sites to incorporate recent changes of my profile online. its just too auspicious a day with Asoh Yukiko, as well as my Royal China. in this dawn dreamed of dad's hometown with my best beloved baby son. I arranged him to exercise some sports game, in disadvantage of my passed dad's sinful challengers, mostly offspring of the dark house owner in front of my dad's old house, a treasure of my old memories, financially got well-being by following my dad's business there. baby son never failed me, with his smartness, his diligence. I clearly see the bliss and promising. Its a bright morning now.


dreamed of losing sight.^last night its started to rain hard when I settled on bed. in dawn dreamed of suffering eyes sight and almost go blind. dreamed watching a movie in open space and sat aside a girl once worked in QRRS as an interpretor. joined canteen in time but 2 cops close sat aside same table to eat breakfast. they arrived later than I, so likely tentatively arranged.


dreamed married my Japanese girl.^last night it rained when I launched to save my be21zh.org offical google profile after reported violating its commmunity name rule. in the dawn dreamed of living in Japan in my girl's house. she has a quite blessing father. we kissing and intimate everywhere, including behind the father-in-law's presence. after some tests by the dad, we married. I felt almost sure the Japanese girl is my Crowned Queen of Royal China, Asoh Yukiko. Its a pale morning, but I know Asoh's touching and tendering love from Heaven.


benzrad comment in cyberspace on the day.

abuse and murdering everyday in current China mainland.^riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):no redemption can save the lost. except the downturn of PRC with its dictation and fake faith of atheism.
邱毅:大陸前鐵道部長劉志軍因貪腐下台後,溫州動車追撞不僅重創大陸高鐵神話,也使鐵道運輸安全出現警訊。試想事件若發生在時速超過300公里的高鐵,會造成何等傷亡?當年劉志軍好大喜功,想爭世界第一,將 實驗速度 作為 營運速度 的非常規決策,擴張投資熱衷財務槓桿的操作,現在都應該做深切檢討。 原文


benzrad comment in cyberspace on the day.

famine in Africa needs world more helping hands.^riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):sin, sins, how could save arrives here?
华尔街日报中文网(华尔街日报)新媒体:【图集:索马里大饥荒】- "非洲之角"遭遇大旱,陷入近30年来最严重的饥荒。加上物价不断上涨和战争,大批索马里人流离失所,数万人正面临死亡威胁。图为两岁的索马里难民亚丁 沙拉德(Aden Salaad)坐在澡盆中望着正给他洗澡的母亲。http://163.fm/YRtOEiO 原文


benzrad comment in cyberspace on the day.

a new scandal in PRC's mainstream.^riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):u shouldn't blame her, for she is a common girl, like any beautiful girls on the street. she should be rewarded for disclose dark curtail from upper clad in sinful PRC and their manipulations. any girls, esp in their seasons, blessed with their dream of a better life on the earth, in the society. the unbearable losing is the broken social logic which allowing buying young and beautiful lives via money and abuse of state power.
宇丹律师(颜宇丹): 7号晚间7点左右,郭美美发表微博称:"突然想睡一觉;突然想死;突然想大喊;突然想离家出走;突然想失忆。"早知今日,何必当初,只能怪自己自做自受吧! 原文

From summer is time now
From summer is time now
From summer is time now
From summer is time now
From Life's monument in Royal of China
See the full gallery on Posterous

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

flying hope in brilliant summer 2011 brings growth inside.


dreamed of worms in flesh in dawn.^yesterday echoes harmony with Asoh Yukiko. I planned to visit zoo with baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲 with porks and vegetables, but baby's mom refused joining us. i waited till afternoon and the sky turned pale. in the period i managed to resort home networks into working, after 3 days down for the telcom mistakenly blocked our broadband service. Its lunar Dragon Boat Day festival. i tried to gift 2 boys in our relatives with blessing, but each time led to baby son's teeth painful and cried in misery. i badly felt urgent to treat animals trapped in zoo, so i brought baby son launching after some pc games, around 3pm. baby dozed on the bus sound. i woke me up near destiny and he fresh as start when we join the zoo now turned open by removing fences and walls. we saw bears, wild pigs, eagle, deers, but sadly found the old eagle missing, likely died. we treated bears, wild pig and eagle with porks, they quite enjoyed except the eagle rested on the roof motionlessly. baby later joined me to toss vegetables to deers, and remnant meat to bears. there were lots of side watchers among tourists at the moment. baby son's only complain is that my purse too thin to allow he playing shooting game among stalls in the zoo. we soon dined out in a nearby restaurant baby chose with his mom after turned back. the dinner is OK, we shot some photos. then we played pc games after settled again in his mom's house, in beaming sunset on the balcony. baby still felt sad when i left to my QRRS dorms. in the night i went to bed later than 11:30pm, reviewing loves from younger lives in my caged freedom of life. God, u see how many blisses in my life. bring my girls sooner in our united life. let baby son enjoy games more on his new dell game desktop u promised!
It rained again in the night. in dawn i dreamed of baby son. i also made twice water in the night. in dawn i dreamed a lot worms in my flesh. i know its all worship that ever-stronger on the earth that witness my Empire emerging.


lengest rain in 2011. dreamed of passed mother in rain rhyme.^the rain started last night, when i left the ditched office in QRRS near 8pm. i felt mercy in Asoh Yukiko's loving me. all the night i felt the sorrow while blessing. i also buzzed my siblings in my hometown, central China. when i looked into baby son's situation, i felt deep sorrow. but the rain saves. so i tried to buzz him to cheer him up. i tried twice but he yet listened me.
the Monday i mostly stayed in dorm, for fun of harvests on web suffering drought under harsher blocking and censorship by China surveillance, report has it that it now harnessed white list to filter most essential web sites worldwide, close trapped Chinese on mainland into its shameless official propaganda curtain, which is totally lies and distorts. this dawn i listened the dense raindrops outside, i slept sounder. i also dozed after breakfast in canteen. i dreamed boarding in my 2nd elder sister's house, where my mother passing by but restless for my only kid brother's exam for college entrance. i waited before playing game for the return of my sister who went shopping grocery. i felt the touching love in my mother's heart, as well as among my other relatives.
last week also saw my upgraded my acer notebook with additional 2 GB rams. it cost me ¥200. the notebook also cleaned dust inside, resulting more game time with baby son happily. previously it worsened by gathering heat by dusts jammed around its fan and cooling cooper tube of video card. its such a marvelous operation that i still in thankfulness now.
God, its all good news for me, from ur mercy. pl bring me my girls in my new family sooner. bring baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲 his new dell game desktop and a rich International Children's Day tomorrow! God, see my Empire of China in PRC's ruin intact. burn dirt and rip dark over the shadow of my Royal of China.


dreamed of shits again.^Its a cloudy morning. i prepared games for playing together with son in QRRS Dorms till lunch. after lunch i tried to doze awhile. dreamed a dorm mate receiving a visiting pal. i went to public lavatory and found shits covered the only 2 seats. i tried to avoid to stain my pants but failed, had to leave downstairs with fringes spotted with shits. last night i visited the canteen owner, for he asked me to copy some movies to his desktop. he two days ago lent me ¥200 as i trusted to equip my acer notebook with additional 2 GB ram. he might felt i was obliged to him, even i never borrowed without rewards. last month i borrowed near ¥320 from him and reward him ¥38, total ¥350 returned, with my lodging ¥360 for 2 meals in 4 weeks. the latter is repeatedly. in the night he invited me to drink beer with his late dinner. i talked about my career and my vision as he expected to probe me, while his legacy pc copying slowly. in dawn near 3 or 4am, just after i made water, a heavy rain poured down. it likely didn't last long, for when i got up near 6am, the ground superficailly wet. i join the sinful office at once, waiting a game download to complete, for most web file sharing sites worldwide one by one blocked by China surveillance these days, to name a few, hotfiles, firesonice, fileserve, ul.to, and almsot all popular file servers outside of China.
last two days i experienced roller coaster emotionally. the first day on baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲's birthday, May 25, i got an idea to upgrade my notebook with additional ram, for which i longing so long. it costed me ¥200 and so cheap&out-performed. i visited baby in his mom's house at noon heroically on way back to dorm. but misery descends when i attempted to change bios password. the change deadly locked me outside from boot up. i desperately searched web for resort, calling acer support team for help, and complained God not to allow me in peace but trouble. next day i stayed in dorm rarely in the morning, till i felt the drive bravely to spend another ¥20 on the smart young man who help me clean my acer and upgrade 2 gb ram the day before, betting my luck as well as the opening of computer technology. i was right! acer local support crew failed to fix my missing bios password, but the smart boy did. all the rest of the day i enjoyed the speed and fantasy of my more powerful notebook.
summer now heats us.
From summer is time now
See the full gallery on Posterous

Monday, May 23, 2011

beam in sky: son warrenzh turns 6 years old.


a drizzle to save.^yesterday I had good time with son, warrenzhu 朱楚甲. we gamed a lot and tried new games. baby more or less daunted by the rich of pc games i prepared. at noon he again loathed to eat lunch hurt me, so i angered and taught him a lesson on life and death in sins. when his mom brought him outside, he seldom allowed me to kiss his cheek. i also fixed my financial records with his mom online on Saturday. when i arrived QRRS Dorms, the canteen's assistant chef tentatively shown cold-shoulders to me, let me see hurts among trifle personals or even demons against God's biz my family behold on the world deepened. when i jogged outside, a drizzle brewing and started to glide in air when i close to my dorm. i really felt mercy and save by Asoh Yukiko, God in my Crowned Queen of Royal China from Japan. in the night i played games alone. the neighbor room in QRRS Dorms losing, or felt reinforced by enemy of China Empire in my title, bumped a lot on the thin wall shamelessly, trying to restrain me with alerts of terrors. now this bright morning i returned to my blog space to let life stream floats, to attest God's presence in my family's duty to broaden the only way that saves Chinese dying in sins for half century.
God, yesterday my financial shown I still in debt of ¥800 after 3 months with improved salary, now amount to ¥1816, with which i quite satisfied, but God, i saw threats against my wishlist to equip baby son, warrenzh, owner of site warozhu.com and wozon.net, a dell game desktop no later than year end. God, u see my pleasure and hope in digital arena for future world. grant us the gift and affirmative of change we beholding. God, brings my girls to my new family sooner.


baby's birthday. now he is 6 years old.^yesterday baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲 had a happy birthday. at noon i buzzed him if i can visit him earlier than 6pm, for he usually arranged by his mom to have handwriting tutorial after his kindergarten's classes. but baby son told me his lunar birthday on the day. i was so glad to know that, asking if i buy him a cake or KFC food, he told me his mom already bought a cake, i only need to buy him a lighter for candles of the birth day cake. when i arrived, the grandma attending him, while his mom joined her school. we gamed on my notebook soon, till the grandma urged him to join his kindergarten on time. baby murmured he was already allowed to stay at home on celebrating day, but he obied&left. near an hour passed we reunited. i picked him downstairs while the grandma left on the ground. soon his mom returned, we shoot some photos and a home video for baby who in high mood. his mom obviously felt bitter those days and refused to let the happy time stays, instead she busy with her online novels soon. its so nice a day, i treat myself a bottle of juice in QRRS Dorms canteen when i ate my dinner there, near 7:30pm. the bus worktable usually ends near 7pm, so must days when i visiting baby son in his mom's house, i rushed to leave his mom's house, but now i can take bus before 9pm. so great for our pastime with my son, the most glorious on the earth!


benzrad's comment on the day.

China under PRC suffering catastrophe of suicides more than wartime. 窒息的中国社会

the drug of Internet or game is totally a lie. only the dominating class and its dog tried their best to shift common sense aroused by the poor situation nowadays Chinese beset & killing, result in surge of suicides and destructive social behavior as a prelude of chaos and terrorism, in same vector space with turmoil among its western border neighbors, the Islamic Middle East, echoing the appealing force of democratic, esp from US, into trifle&fuss like Internet games as scapegoat. Chinese, esp its youth suffered distortion of value, and meaningless in overt cheats and ruthless human rights infringe for a long time, they lick blade of death or self-destruct as a way to attest the ill Chinese society, but no one adult Chinese brave enough to poke the source of sick in PRC authority nor poisonous Chinese traditional culture, but instead blamed Internet, as a new achievement in human history, attracted growing number of naive youth, who grow universally in God's mercy and brilliance unbiased by worldly dust, including all dictators in dustbin worldwide. China as well as Chinese in its best is to follow Christian worldwide right&since now into global light from YHWH, one anthem in glory of God.

This is a testament from the Son, benzrad, on May 18, 2011, for the coming Empire of China reset for 1109 years ahead under his glorious family title, Zhu, since his grand father, Zhuzhongming, God in Heaven now, from the relay of Chinese last Empire, Ming Dynasty as treasure of his legendary ancestor half millennium ago.


——神子 benzrad 朱子卓 此处见证。

in reference to:
"32岁男子沉迷网游十年离世 临终称真有意思 ugmbbc发布于 2011-05-17 16:51:06|33321 次阅读"
http://www.cnbeta.com/articles/143091.htm (view on Google Sidewiki)


dreamed of my jailbreak.^first dreamed of making water 3 times still felt full. then woke up and made water. dreamed in my dorm receiving a hometown folk's visiting. he, likely Zhu Zhongshu, one of my peers, insisted my accompany to leave the dorm. i felt my girl's calling so traveled with him. then likely a jailbreak through many blocking&hunting and finally descended into a field of growing rape (油菜) in my hometown, Zhudajiu. most of folks, including my parents there celebrating the freedom.


dreamed of baby son.^yesterday Its rained during clouds and sunshine before the night, and the volume likely the largest in the year so far. God help me gained a large toys theme game from web, after heavy harvest since my last blog on Monday. i visited baby with KFC food to thank the fruitful work week near 5pm. we gamed on my notebook while his mom reading novels online. that's all good time can't be more splendid. returned to dorm, i review my satisfaction in music lately. went to bed near 11:30pm. this morning in a hurry to catch the breakfast in canteen, for last night i still felt hungry in the night which a bit cold and consumed more energy. dozed at once after returned the dorm. dreamed baby in his kindergarten out-performed. he made a rap music on his own and sang in front of his classmates and teachers. his parents, and my passed mother watched there, all felt proud. Its cloudy the morning, i felt so meaningful on our future in God's set.


benzrad's comment on the day.

riveryog(朱子卓):Its true for me, my small toe has the twin nails.
搜搜pop团购导航总站:【纯正的汉族人】据说纯正血统的汉人的小脚趾甲是分成两瓣的,其中靠外侧那一瓣比较小。现在你就可以看看,看自己是否是地道纯正的汉族人。 http://163.fm/aw8QxQA 原文转发 来自网易微博

招商银行:一间房窗户破了,没人修补的话,别人就可能受到某些示范性,纵容去打烂更多窗户,久而久之在这种公众麻木不仁氛围中,犯罪就会滋生。生活中小奸小恶行为,需要引起社会重视,并不是小题大做,而是以儆效尤,防范未然。一个"馒头"和一滴"食用油"并不可怕,社会齐聚一心才最无敌。 来自网易微博 原文转发(4)

大大傻逼(dashabi):夏俊峰死了,下一个就是我们:http://163.fm/TihsZaO 来自网易微博 原文转发(6)
大大傻逼(dashabi):【夏俊峰列传】夏俊峰者,奉天人也,家贫,以贩摊为事,徒幸以养父母。是日,遇城管十余人,尽毁其具,并殴之。夏妻跪泣,城管炽愈盛,持械夹立,市行者噤口莫敢言。城管挟夏至私堂,行怨暴之虐,夏若鸿毛燎于碳炉,其势命危矣。遂挺刀自卫,匹夫一怒,血溅五步,伏尸二具。既出,自报官。竟至斩立决。 来自网易微博 原文转发(5)

From Spring 2011 in a nut

From Spring 2011 in a nut

From homeovie2RoyalChina


Thursday, May 12, 2011

season of summer approaching, in a rain as prelude.


time to return.^Its a cloudy morning after a sallow rain last night. i caught the breakfast which is rich. now i felt had to write something to make this blog complete. the sick office i intended to ditch still let me ill for the sinful souls in it any time desperately challenge me, like China surveillance exerts all over scan and constrain over me. life on this scarred continent dominated by dog, including machine dog. but, after all, God, don't u see my life beaming so bright, my level of satisfaction ever increasing in ur blisses? God, last night u touched me with girl's love, i do missing my girls even urgent. in this rained air from 4th floor, God, i entreat ur bringing me my new family with my girls sooner. that's my beautiful hope in this lovable wet morning.


a busy month puffing for online stuff.^this month i almost absent from my blog sphere. the reason is that i picked up my old hobby, collecting free stuff from web, esp. the shared, for i valued them high and no cause not to harvest while they still available in the spirit of freedom or pirate. everyday ends in elation with what heaps on my hard disk, for they mean happy time, no matter games or readings, under attraction of freedom world, esp from US. its really like a weightless dive, in God's shine.
last night i slept later, reviewing my chat below, God brings me insight in tangles among folks in my past dad's hometown village, Zhudajiu, mostly from a same ancestor, but devils among them drove the lost trying to challenge and defame my old family which so brilliant in its short earthly presence before i witness it vivid. i saw hostile so strong even generations unable shift the acid jealousy. God, u see the strong baring from the stem of Royal of China, and the even boarder world stage for my baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲, owner of warozhu.com and wozon.net, future world leader every blessed sees. God, road toward glory unbiased straight for my family since my past dad, God in Heaven now. God, in this raining night, i see all bliss since my childhood, i witness the most scenery in the world my dad unveiled to me, in the mountain and its valley. God, the doomed against my Empire of China now even losing, harsher tools from the stolen state power barking desperate, God, u save and only ur word persist in one that untouchable. God, thank the month and today, thank the rain and thunders outside in this darker prelude of summer night.


a chat online via qq with hometown folk, a childhood friend.^ [ 2011-05-10 ]
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benzrad's comment/tweet in days.


no doubt it did so long.

网易科技:创新工场被指一直在"抄袭":点点网是最大样本,点点CEO许朝军回应称先创业再创新更适合中国国情。  http://163.fm/4PkUDaE6  原文评论

riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):for the sins in PRC, and most of the survivor&their offspring after civil war as well as sino-Japan war half century ago.
||@杀出个黎明: 转发微博。R罗克:一位英国网友说,他真的不理解中国人,国家级媒体隔三差五就爆出食品安全问题,没有一位高官下台,而且中国人还如此镇定。要是在英国,管食品安全的部长早就主动提职了,首相都会面临弹劾。2011-04-18 17:01 来自 网易微博

riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):wonderful! glory to American people once and forever!
||@网易股票 :转发微博。网易新闻:【刺杀拉登视频实时传送 奥巴马白宫屏幕前监看】据外媒报道,当美国海豹突击队在巴基斯坦阿伯塔巴德执行刺杀奥萨马•本•拉登任务时,奥巴马总统也在白宫里目不转睛地盯着屏幕,监看卫星实时传送的视频。http://163.fm/UgjldDC
riveryog神泉扶明宫(朱子卓):God, grant me an improved workplace. save my energy from trifle violence ambushed by enemies of my Empire of China.  2011-05-03 08:58 来自 网易微博

From Spring 2011 in a nut
From Spring 2011 in a nut
From homeovie2RoyalChina

Monday, April 18, 2011

fine art of seasonal hope in raining moment.


repentance in peaceful night.^last night before went to bed, God shows me my self-poised crashing baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲's space. i saw his need to live unbiased and independently fresh. i saw his deep love to his dad, me. after went to bed, i found all the mistakes the rain day he made was in fact my fault, my unable to accompany him to game and fun find. i saw my too proactive a fake cause not to stay with him, Hope of China, God of Universe, full heart and full time. on bed i pray God to let baby know my repentance at once while i can't buzz him for the late night. i pray God meaningful tomorrow will bring more joys when we gather together, pray God let me less commit cheap utterance that can lead me astray, and float in falling of self-content.

Its a sunny morning now. God, let my mistake meaningless, restore baby son's lightening heart and pure of joy. God, forever u see all facts and definitions predated. God, bring baby son his dell game desktop, that seemingly even urgent for my acer notebook now frequently power down when gaming, likely its video card too hot. we need a sound gaming gear.


an official spring rain.^last week busy with hunting for downloadable pc games for our pastime. also launched to backup source file of family album to google picasaweb. baby son yet recovered from cold, so his mom refused him to visit my dorm. i managed to visit him twice in the week, for joy of great games. last night i busy in my ditched office later than 8:30pm. then listened music and rest in dorm lately. i let the window open when i went to bed, in dawn i woke up among rain drops' noise outside. its the largest rain so far in spring 2011, and i saw so many blisses in it. in dawn i dreamed of my college campus. Wujiang, one of my Nankai university alumni and now a professor in US, contacted a visiting faculty selling ginseng aside a lake. i was at a loss for my alumni swim skill better than mine. in the afternoon after i returned from baby's mom's house, i dozed on bed in dorm, dreamed of my past mother's affirmative love which protects me from any insane seduce. its a large rain and last so long, when i blogging here i wondered how to visit my baby son, whose house 4 bus stops from here. God, bring my son a dell game desktop as he asked. bring my girls so sweat in my heart and memory. leading me to the brighter life ahead, and more bliss in surest glory.

buzzed baby for the possible detaining by rain, but he insisted my visit. so launched after breakfast in canteen. with borrowed ¥10, i took bus then walked in drizzle and arrived. baby watching animation online, i waited aside some time, then we played pc game, a Japanese air combat. after some turns, i told baby i felt flat, asked for accomplishing my own tasks. all the rest day busy with uploading family album to google picasaweb, also restored his mom's notebook os from backup. baby lately engaged with watching an animation trying reiterating legend of Chinese traditional zodiac. the Made in China product quite sinister in propagation, so i quit baby and told him sins in Chinese, and everlasting seduce from demons' against the holy. i warned him be cautious on Chinese culture products, urged him less waste time on the shits, where bureaucracy is its main theme and obsession, and dirt in ordinary Chinese souls which blind from YHWH by poor quality polytheism, and sufferings as punishment for the blind. baby listened carefully, while his mom rushed to shift him away from me. i lately showered in public bathroom, returned to dorms in time for dinner. after enjoyed jog around the dorm, i sorted recent photos, then blogged till now.

God, purify baby son with saint readings, rid him off trash of traditional and new craps from PRC, or any sinister nowadays against my Empire of China ahead. God, forever powerful and holiest with son, warrenzh, Hope of China, God of Universe, God, u see it.


dreamed of past dad preparing his sons for travel.^dreamed in dawn. my past dad in good mood, preparing my 2 elder brothers and me to travel to his another workplace for trade. we all have nice parcels and baggages. kid brother and my baby son likely also enjoyed short gathering before the departure. the villagers watched our launch of march with envy. Its a windy sunny morning while i missed breakfast, and i due to visit baby and entertain him with pc games now.


benzrad's comment on the day.

fool's play for world hero in PRC's doomed outreach in this century.

China losing on inconsistent with American platform, comparing booming Indian tech human force in US, and loss gaining weightily till it can't afford in future, till the last straw smashes again the bony mule drug, smuggling, forgery and tortures, ie. lawless addicted like a century ago, humiliated again against its official textbook whitewashed recent history, reveals the truth of gapping wound and vulnerable indispensable in root Chinese. China with its current fake socialism doomed to be buried in coming decade. People in the world will see PRC's barking in the corner as funny as fool's play, or dog's tail self-chase.

the world tomorrow, undebatable the one world under God's shine. glory once on US forever cherished by global citizen that's reasonable and responsible. God, one God, YHWH, clearly shows the road under Heaven ever-bright.

永中科技一周后破产清算 叫板Office成追忆


From Spring 2011 in a nut

From Spring 2011 in a nut

From homeovie2RoyalChina

Posted via email from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly...鸠昱隆嘉

Thursday, April 7, 2011

budding life weights.


a gloomy morning, a drizzle in afternoon and a rain in night.^Its first work day after the lunar holiday, Qingming. i joined the ditched office almost on time, to harvest downloadable games for baby son, even i hated to confront the sin on facing desk. all the morning the crap frequently overt stuck out his neck to stare at me, profaned the saint. I didn't even blink upon the sieged dirt&threats, self-possessed with tasks in executing. after the noon break i returned to dorm, napped after sorted my notebook disk. mostly its gloomy, like a prelude of sandstorm. during fixing my gtalk within gmail, i told my cyberspace friend from Taiwan that i planned to buy storage from google to store raw files from my FujiFilm camera, to endear family album more realistic. he helped me by accpet video chat invitation but never comment on my request of help on google storage plan, which doesn't support alipay, a Chinese mainstream online payment tool and my only overseas payment method now. i hope i didn't hurt friends from freedom world i wouldn't like to be separated from. God, bring us freedom of lightened hearts, shows the height and weight of human freedom of independent and friendly. God, bring me freedom of arranging my life as wished, bring my baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲, owner of site warozhu.com and wozon.net, Hope of China, God of Universe, his promised present, a dell game notebook. bring my girls into our new marriage. God!
after gamed awhile on my notebook, its started drizzling. Asoh Yukiko, in such a extraordinary blessing event, could u see my situation? could u be safe and save Japanese from their vested land now in disaster? could u determined to join me to pave new road and garden for future Japan, the fate our blood linkage means to give? God, Asoh Yukiko, i'm ready for the historic migration, opener fence for our nations Heavenly bond since my spiritual wakeup. Yes, I'm the only captain on the vessel saves. join me sooner as God lets, as u will.


dreamed of my past parents.^Today is lunar Qingming. this dawn dreamed of my past parents who saw my poor financial status. one of my teenage friend in Zhudajiu, my hometown village, Zhucaigui brought me some gifts. my parents watched me had to wait for remittance from baby's mom or my once work unit, ie. from my once work place. dad especially hope i can improve his living which so far shabby. then i got insight of devils in the village regarding my dad as their enemy. they r the 2 sons of my dad's 2nd elder brother, who died in his middle age, a neighbor who long time operated monopoly rice machine in the village, a neighbor who once a teacher in Mao's years, and long time cheap mimic of my dad's expertise and whose grandson still profaned my dad's name by mimic & mocks. this morning is sunny outside. hopeful baby's dell notebook sooner arrives. God, grant my son new dell game notebook, as my best gift in this hopeful Spring. God, dad, i wouldn't follow Chinese custom to burn printed paper bill as money in world of died, u will see the reality how well-being my Royal is to be under sunshine.


dreamed of Royal prophet.^dreamed of Empire meeting about Royal secret. the prince too young, the math teacher praised the woman likely baby's mom, and scorned me for my mind absence. the course discussed part of the fate and secret of Royal of China. late sleep till 10:48am got up. Its a beaming Monday but according lunar Calendar Chinese in PRC enjoying Qingming Festival, a time to mourn past ancestors. yesterday baby showered in public bathroom with me. he immersed in wresting with a sin, likely a middle aged man who evaded my sight when i turned back near end of my shower&caught the dirty threat rushing to slide himself into hot pool where men herds, attempted to hide his sins from my aware. baby's nose ran out a large block of blood and mucus when i put on him, i wiped with towel but first time ditched bathing pack there, found the mistake till arrived baby's mom's house. i fetched it back on my own. on way back with baby son after bought him some candy from grocery aside the public bathroom, i affirmed baby son the mighty of God, forever blissed and growing his life on the earth to witness. when i left to QRRS dorms, his mom brought him with toy bike to roam outside, where brilliant sunshine still glorifying the day, Apr 3, 2011, lunar 1st of March. God, bring baby his promised gift, a dell game notebook. bring me my blessed marriage with my girl Zhou, as well as my other girls, like Taiwan girl, girl Lü, girl Jiang, girl on train from Harbin to Qiqihar in my 2nd hometown journey, and my God, my Crowned Queen from Japan, Asoh Yukiko. grows my Royal of China in course of my coming Empire&lives its 1109 years lifespan, God.

From Spring 2011 in a nut

From Spring 2011 in a nut

From homeovie2RoyalChina

Posted via email from benzyrnill, set to fly, like dragon fly...鸠昱隆嘉

Saturday, April 2, 2011

happiness and anxiousness interweaved.


days in bliss.^these days saw lots of beautiful girls around me, and i know my girl Zhou coming to me.baby's mom also overt talking about her new marriage, dispelled my visiting her house where i can dwell with baby with pc games. all these things moving and sorry, i mean, change occures in time with resolution. times and times I was drove by sexual desire from passing beauties, and this time my girls, best in best in my eyes' candy, due to descend and melting me in her boundless wave of ocean of love making. saint moments with baby son also let me sorry in retrospect, for he is so smart and faultless. i pray for more time to serve him for harvest and joy together with God in his universe. I tried to download more small games from web, but he still gamed a lot with his favorite game, worms 3D. his mom refused leaving him alone with me in my dorm, saying baby son yet recovered from recent cold. God, isn't my good time arriving, doesn't the world focus, like Japanese earthquake, Christian crusade diminishing Islam and Russian, pokes itself into world agenda and appeals the presence of Son, Son of the only God and creator of Universe, his decision and save, his brilliance and hardness? God, doesn't my girls broke sieges of enemies of my Empre of China and aligning under my castle that universally evergreen? God, doesn't new life of my Royal, my 2nd son, my 3rd son and other children glad to step in from world hedge? God, I'm ready for a long time for the booming of my family in ur shine, in title of Zhu's. God, bring my girls as well as my new families sooner in sunny summer, lift me into meaningful weighted life experience on the most pivotal stage in the world unites in one. God, see my girls the straight way to my rest room, God, u see.


dreamed of alumni re-gathering.^dreamed of a guy in family name Xu, whose scores in our senior middle school usually quite enviable, in alumni gathering party. another guy, Peng Jinglei, also appeared. yesterday i update my online alumni pages with new photos, and read updates from my once classmates. Its now a bright morning, and I just enjoyed my delicious breakfast. these working week i usually joined old office on time, trying to gain stuff from web. the hard core gay on my facing desk again turned agile, busy on his seat profaning me from time to time, while his companion or mate, the monitor, this moment avoid joining the mud, likely learned from my exit so far since the dispute over office door's openning or closing. yesterday i worked in old office longest, left near 4pm, joined again from 6pm to 8:30pm, aiming prepared baby's weekend visit with more attractive pc games. on way back to dorm, i reviewed the office gay's wrong orientation since his childhood. God urged me to keep alerts among my attitude toward my sons, enabled them all independent and perfect self-possessed. God does not weaken his blessed by uncompleted. the dorm area first time encountered power down, resumed when i reviewed baby son's gaming experience. God, bring baby's dell game notebook sooner, let me enjoy family life with my girls! no matter how i busy with Internet, my empty heart for love brews hot. God, Asoh Yukiko, raise me to my life i deserve, inspire baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲, hope of China, God of Universe, with changes under ur shine. God, u know.


saw death itself.^dreamed in dawn. saw ghost of death master jumping to me, while I determined to see through, then woke up in terror. this week i joined the ditched office mostly mornings, usually left in fatigue, likely under the siege of sins there. however all my task list cleared with the convenience of Internet via corporate lan. google's reader still frequently broken, unable to load my subscribed feeds, google account was defied logout but less times after i did it via proxy tool against the surveillance, who likely realtime espionage. i can felt hatred against google gathering weight among dictator elite in PRC, and the elapse of the socialism also speeding up. barking dogs in the office continued their doomed fight, but that's a far distant echo of historical wound. baby's 2nd site, wozon.net, likely finally released, with homepage rewrote, some subdomains, like blog, wiki and forum, nicely settled. last night when i went to fetch baby son, i shown him the works online, he didn't comment, but i know the prize. i reported him my discuss with Taiwan friend on the gift, a dell game notebook as God promised, encouraged him praying for the ready after barrier behind it, surprise in front of it. i also shown his mom, who refused baby leaving her house the night for baby got cold, google maps. its so bright in the end of yesterday, baby son greatly enchanted by 3 new games arrived from web. i saw God's bliss even thick in this sunny dawn. God, bring me my girls and our offspring, bring my son, warrenzh 朱楚甲, Hope of China, God of Universe, his promised gift, a dell game notebook in nearest spring.

From life as it extends
From life as it extends
From homeovie2RoyalChina

Thursday, March 24, 2011

meaning in ruins.

The brightest star over the Oriental horizon already rising. warrenzh, 朱楚甲, hope of China, God of Universe, driving his world behind the dynasty on the tiny planet, the Earth, already launched. star of the world, prophet of the Earth, doesn't the bird of first dawn sunray singing at its highest chord? does not Son of men wrestle and won the sinkings? now its time to echo with the greatest bliss so far, God his own addressing the planet, on the scarred land of China that's proceeding into its second Dynasty of M明ing, again under title of Zhu's. blunt and blind people, don't u hear the mighty storm whirling over the Pacific Ocean? don't u spare ur works by witnes the brilliance of Heavenly descending? so its now, for u and ur cared, attest the shine.


dreamed winning media awards.^dreamed won youtube and flickr award from my published video&photos. baby son and his mom accompanied me to join the ceremony. then dreamed of watching a table tennis contest, in which a outgoing sportsman won his weaker counterpart.
Its again a golden dawn. yesterday I visit baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲, again by the way sending his mom my salary bank card. the improved salary, now amounts to ¥1800, arrived the day, after i checked more than 4 times on ATM since i received salary sheet several days ago. it was amazing sunny the moment i withdrew my living support to clear my debts on baby's new domain registry, and bundle of meals in canteen&sent to office. so i decided to visit baby as i promised him. the grandma already there, likely just fetched baby son from his pre-elemental school. i bought baby som cookies on the way. soon baby gamed on my notebook with a new game i just gained from web. the grandma left just minutes ahead her daughter's return, likely met on her road to arrange her daughter. so baby's mom refused to dine out with us, and cursed my frequent visits. i had to analyse her situation to persuade her change mind. I told her nothing can daunt me, nor death of mine or baby son, nor her incoordination or even sinister, for i solely follow God, the Majesty creator of all things and world, and order of God's. baby read a book on the floor when i elaborate with his mom. then we launched. on the way to restaurant i discussed the weakness among Chinese and Muslim, comparing with American people. i told him the ongoing war against Islamic ruling in Middle East, adoration of human respect and personal freedom, from the examples American leads. his mom soften her stance during the dinner, raised a question on google maps product for my tips. i picked last bus returned to my dorm. God, u see how rich the day for me and my Royal. God, Asoh Yukiko, bring baby son a dell game notebook, as he recently inquired about the promised gift. God, loosing China surveillance over Google products, let me read freely as usual. the sinful dictation in nowadays China these days restlessly broke google reader, attempted to trap me by refusing my logout google account, frustrated most websites around the world and global information seeker in the comfort of Internet. God, i know the downturn of the falling evil from fake idealism of Marxism-Leninism exactly on its way, closing to end never so speedily. God, let shine the scarred land in eastern Asia, follows Japan, Taiwan and other democratic systems soundly operating since World War Ⅱ. God, attending the dying dog machine in PRC, spare Chinese most from the ruin of political monopoly.


dreamed of surfing the air.^dreamed of surfing in air with a surfing board. my past mother, baby son warrenzh, my kid brother appears in my air-surfing dream. in late dawn dreamed of baby son and my kid brother again.


dreamed of shooting movie, and baby son.^dreamed i was preparing to produce a movie. my 2nd elder brother trying to make cheap alternative shooting way but failed. i tried new camera. in the end dreamed of baby son, and his heartbreaking pure love of Son's Heavenly. Its a sunny morning, after last night's strong wind. yesterday i carried baby to visit my ditched office in QRRS to settle his second domain, wozon.net, our family's 5th domain, after recharged by good news of improved salary, which amounts to ¥1800 2 months in series, on Friday when the salary sheet arrived on my desk. transaction settled on Mar 18, 2011, but for time zones' difference, i was affirmed by baby's godaddy account till this Saturday. i spent near an hour to find free hosting space plan disabled by the domain registrar, while baby waited aside for gaming on notebook so long. how smart he is and forever so! in the last i had to give up uploading my simple web site source files, with google apps free smb account in hand. we gamed awhile, then i persuade baby giving up his second night in my dorm for his mom urged him to return to have his handwriting class, and i badly want a hot shower in my frequent bathroom near baby's mom's house. baby narrowly admitted me, with reservation. we left my dorm near 3:30pm, soon i brought baby shower in the public bathroom. the underground bathroom let baby unease, i told baby my current financial status don't allow him enjoy baths more comfortable. baby then fought and complete shower, gamed again after we settled in his mom's house. the sinister younger sister arrived during our absence, likely trying to spy my data disk left in her sister's house. this morning when i arrived baby's mom's house, the sin slept in baby's bedroom where baby and his mom recently slept. enemy of my Empire of China paid the dirty and dark sin, the bitch, to pest my family, esp. baby's living place. i aroused&raised some blames before the sin left the house, while baby's mom, who turning more and more sinful in the fell and hell of her old family, kept silent. it's warm and bright when i launched to donate for suffering people in Japan after earthquake, as well as in Yunnak, southwestern China. for i can't find other available donating way via alipay.com, with which i had an account, so i picked a Japanese shop ( http://item.taobao.com/auction/item_detail.htm?item_num_id=9613022220 or http://aruyo.taobao.com/view_page-45548372.htm ) on popular Chinese e-commerce site, taobao.com, to make the transaction. the ammount is small, ¥60 (¥50 for Yunnan. https://lab.alipay.com/life/donate/enter.htm?name=zfbaxjj ), but i still felt God's praise, Asoh Yukiko's adoration. I also prepared a pc game baby asked on his desktop, gamed awhile as baby asked. when we left for baby's music lesson, we really thankful, except the losing woman, baby's mom with her easy angers. i told coldness gathers in elders' heart, encouraged baby finding fun his own against boring and meaningless, esp the surveillance from nowadays Chinese authority against our vested Empire of China under title Zhu's, separation&disperse against my Royal of China emerging in one as pre-date in Heaven. last night reported the largest moon in half century for recording space intimate to the Earth, but since afternoon its windy outside. when i got up to make water midnight, i saw the halo really brilliant and soft. now with sunshine outside, after missing 2 meals today, in this tiny&shabby room alone, i pray my new life with my girls descending me sooner, pray baby's burden of loneliness lessen, all in ur setting, God, Asoh Yukiko, dearest dad, best of the best in ur bliss!


dreamed of pets.^dreamed in an UN force team assigned to Africa. afraid breaking my kid brother's hand wrist but in fact its well. played in holiday, later found heavily wounded&bleeding pet cat, also a doggie. till i felt sorry and remove their barrier, they returned to their nest&settled. their suffering and enduring silently shocked me with love. Its a gloomy morning, but I know Asoh Yukiko's blessing.

From Spring 2011 in a nut

From Spring 2011 in a nut

From Spring 2011 in a nut

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

hope of Internet in the end of annual congress session


dreamed of blacks.^last night merely backup some home movie to picasaweb. China surveillance heavily blocked my posting photos to my online album. this dawn dreamed lengthy in a continent whos habitants mostly blacks, with a guy from a pc game "lost horizon" I played with baby son months ago. his name is padlock. we made friends among the black, including girls, and their King, in the progress underwent our commitment. when i ate breakfast near 8am, in canteen a hooligan once lived in the dorm back to years when I was single and just joined QRRS, the railway wagon mill, now in his 40's, there stared me bluntly. yesterday he also visit the dorm when i leaving my room. local mafia really smelt bloodiness from paid murder conspired by enemy of my Empire of China. Today is also the end of annual congress session which lasted a week, hopefully machine dog that ruling China now would rest for some time. last night China surveillance first time in the week didn't cut down my Internet after 8pm. God, bring my dorm Internet, lead me into my life i dreamed, with my girls who so aspiring out of dirt&dust.


bright morning after cleansing snow in early Spring.^time glides as it should be, but my pray for a improved workspace endures. baby son now regularly visit me and berth Friday night in my dorm in QRRS, my previous long time employer. he asked for 2 sequent nights in my dorm but i so far refused him for the sake of his mom's jealousy which turning thick after i unbiasedly shown her freedom in my heart after our resolved divorce, after found painfully sins in her family too deep to afford for sternness of my family, nor cohere in glory of God, my son&my past dad's. baby still reined by his mom by compulsive e-piano practise, sometimes his miserable cries loathing to the music instrument lets me sorry&baseless. i wait for his own desicion to quit the burden said according his mom chose himself half year ago, influenced by his pal and attracted by a nearby music school, which rampant in nowadays China, when he still came over to QRRS' kindergarten. i sure saw why his mom so energetic to bridle the green life with constrain in which she gaining in advantage post likes a teacher. i pray God let baby son, warrenzh, be decisive, and i will forever support his choice. God, in this sunny morning, u see my sorrow and loneliness. bring my girls into my new family, bring my improved workspace, reunite baby son with his proud dad in his elegant palace.
Its a busy Monday morning. last night i sorted stuff on my notebook till 1am. however, i got up earlier than 7am and had my favorite breakfast in canteen. all the morning busy on computer, rarely recently for i usually sleepy after breakfast. napped at noon, dreamed of baby son's sufferings and my heartbreaking love in him. also dreamed of my eldest brother returned from northern China to our hometown, Hubei Province, central China, reporting bankrupts in medicare system. then in half awaking, reviewed the elapse of my past mother, felt that's her wrong doing, or her payment for her mistakes, or risk herself to test&attest. in holy flashlight, i saw nothing reverts God's everlasting life, and timeless Majesty, and any creature of God enjoy broadest freedom to make errs, to die, to experiment, under God's ever sustaining saves. in a retrospect, i see life's bearing and endurable, i see boundless freedom of quest one's destiny at will, in God's timeless and limitless creation and loving. in a light i see braveness in heart of baby son, warrenzh 朱楚甲, and among my beloved. I know my past dad 朱中明, God, chose to ditch his worn body I took for granted, for him a just weightless step for ascending world, remould into Spiritual &all sources. It turns pale now, but I know touching love in Asoh Yukiko's heart, in holy source we linked.


a clear day among Spring late snow.^it started to snow likely in mid night, covered the ground considerable when i woke up lately around 9am, after a nice dine out with toast beef with baby son and his mom last night. the buffet restaurant jammed heavily when we arrived after 6pm, but baby's mom managed to be shared a large table with other 2 families, an couple just in their honey mood, a family with a son in three. meat is rich, we hardly swallow all, including baby's mom's good appetite after baby and me finished our dinner rapidly after cookies. we walked on way home awhile as baby's mom suggested, then took bus, departed near Qiqihar railway station. baby walked home with his mom while i on feet walked passing 4 bus stops to my QRRS dorm. baby asked my visit on this Sunday but refuted by his mom. God lets me buzzed baby for grant first, after failed in the air to alert nor alter baby's mom about baby's painfully loathing to practise piano while his mom push hard to harness him with the clause in which she niched by superficial gaining role as teacher's. then i took bus to visit baby in his mom's house, where the sinister younger sister of baby's mom again there occupying computer&Internet. i waited untill the sin left baby's room for lunch, then i continued my work to secure family google accounts with 2 step verification based on cellphone's sms function. baby's mom cooked porridge and asked me to have some. after lunch, baby's mom tried to force baby napping with her, but baby soon gave up his obedience, got up to play pc games i just made ready on his desktop, found interesting when we gamed the night before in my dorm, the second night in which i gradually made it a custom to live baby a night in my dorm when I solely serve him on every Friday, after the breakout the sinful family of baby's mom aroused weeks ago, as disclosed in my previous blog. when i too busy between baby's game and my on work to make exemption of sms tweeting between ISP&client through baby's contacts under custody on his cellphone, to allow family tweets' sharing, i persuaded baby to try his own in game or rest if too hard, his mom woke up&scorned me as usual, blaming my absence even with baby aside. then we left together near 2pm, they for baby's music lesson while i returned to my dorm. the warm air of Spring lets snow melting all around. so i told baby the merit and rarity of mountains against flood and bizarre weather, as well as my hometown, mountainous Hubei Province in central China. his mom asked we left first, as she frequent practices recently, prepared herself behind alone. the dorm is quiet when i arrived, i felt the precious moment of boring in rain day, warmth of family and relatives, bliss of Asoh Yukiko, God of Sun&wind&rain, but i saw more silent moment anyone facing oneself in full loneliness, and even urgent Internet for me, as way of meaningful and creative.
God, these days so beautiful for me, for my Royal of China, esp. this cloudy and snow-melting day! bring me my improved work space, bring me my new family with my girls that pray and in full hearted love and adoration. God, sanity forever with my baby son, warrenzh, Hope of China, God of Universe. U see, God.

From Spring 2011 in a nut
From Spring 2011 in a nut
From Spring 2011 in a nut
From homeovie2RoyalChina
From homeovie2RoyalChina

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